Why Sustainable Digital Printing That Is Eco Friendly Is Important Sep 16th, 2015   [viewed 0 times]

There have been numerous advancements in fabric digital printing methods. Most of these changes have been made with the aim of conserving the environment against a backdrop of sustained campaigns of conserving Mother Nature. There are many areas of this process which can be changed to make it not just eco-friendly but also more efficient and cheaper. They include, among others, design of products, pattern making, cutting and grading. We will explore how you can adopt digital printing that is eco friendly.

The use of cleaner raw materials is one of the strategies which have been adopted in a bid to achieve sustainability. The type of lacquer used in making screens usually contains a lot of the element chromium. This chromium is frequently washed down into the environment causing contamination. Newer types of lacquer without the element are now commonly used. This has subsequently reduced the associated environmental degradation.

Using a waste water management system is another strategy which has been adopted by many printing plants. The use of such systems increases the efficiency in the use of water. It is a strategy which helps conserve the environment and reduce production costs at the same time. Through recycling, up to 65% of water can be conserved. The water is mainly used for washing pumps and printer blankets.

The other area in which efficiency can be increased is in the use of printer machines. The machines can be either conventional or digital. Regardless of the type being used, some modifications can be done so as to optimise on the use of ink, water and energy. Some of the thermal energy that is generated can be used in the drying stage. Radial extraction techniques have been found to be some of the most effective in heat generation.

In the pre-treatment of media before creation of impressions, there are numerous chemicals used. Urea is one of these chemicals. Urea is a rich source of carbon dioxide which is now classified as a greenhouse gas. Conversion of urea to carbon dioxide occurs during the steaming process. Fortunately, there are newer, more environmentally friendly methods of pre-treatment that use a special type of foam.

Engraving has always been a vital step in the printing process. There have been many methods of doing this over the years. Digital engraving is one of the modern methods used. In this technique, laser energy is used. Apart from a shorter turnaround time, this method also saves energy and water.

Several alternatives to engraving are up for consideration. The most popular of these is the use of pigments. Such pigments are now widely preferred because they are suitable for any type of media. They do not require pre-treatment and post treatment of media as is the case with other methods. This helps save greatly on water, energy and chemicals.

As you plan to adopt the eco-friendly techniques of printing, it is important to be aware of the legal aspects of the move. There have been numerous laws enacted all over the world. There is some variation as you move from one place to another. Ensure that you also constantly remain informed on the latest developments which will help increase efficiency in your firm.

When you are seeking more information about brochure printing that is eco friendly you should first log on to our web page. Use this website as your guide by going to http://www.rollingpress.com.